Item Management with the Support of Technology

Take control of managing items, purchases, and services in your activity with the support of the AENTE platform. It features resources for integration, process automation, and item tracking.

Item Management with the Support of Technology

The revolution AENTE proposes in healthcare extends to how we manage the supply chain in a circular economy. With a detailed approach, AENTE manages transactions in a molecular level. It's precise functions and features for every stage of the buying and selling process of products and services.

Advanced Automation in Supply Management
Our innovative approach involves creating three distinct classes of items, namely basic items, raw materials, and derived items. This classification system allows us to effectively handle even the most complex situations in item management. By categorizing items into these classes, we can better understand their properties and attributes, allowing us to make well-informed decisions about the use and distribution of supplies.
Additionally, we provide a comprehensive system for managing categories of items, brands, and suppliers. This functionality allows companies to easily organize and track their inventory based on specific criteria. AENTE's solution is flexible and efficient for categorizing items based on their use and for indicating products from preferred brands and suppliers.
One of the key features we offer is GEARS, a powerful tool that enables users to add metadata to automate internal processes and track complex items. This means that companies can set up their custom rules and workflows.

Efficiency in Creating Kits for Surgical and Laboratory Environments
By automating processes in our workflow resource companies save time and reduce the risk of errors or discrepancies in their transactions. Furthermore, our platform includes a fusion function specifically designed for creating kits required in surgical environments.
With our fusion feature, healthcare professionals can easily monitor the composition of kits, such as surgical, or examination kits, which facilitates inventory management. This feature also allows for the tracking of kit composition according to the procedure, a crucial aspect for the efficiency of this task.
Another benefit of this feature is the ability to track chemical compositions, from raw materials to finished products, in laboratory environments. This functionality is particularly valuable in research and development settings, where precise measurements and analysis are essential.

In summary, AENTE offers an innovative approach to managing transactions at a molecular level. With our three classes of items, companies can effectively handle even the most complex situations in item management.
Whether managing inventory, creating kits for surgical procedures, or tracking chemical compositions in the laboratory, AENTE's solution can be utilized by companies across various sectors.

Transaction Services

Harness the Power of Our Dynamic Transaction Resource
Maximizing the potential of our cutting-edge Transaction Resource is essential in today's rapidly changing business environment. Our state-of-the-art system is specifically designed to seamlessly handle all your purchasing and payment needs with unparalleled accuracy and convenience. From managing complex orders to navigating intricate shipping logistics and establishing diverse payment terms, our platform has got you covered. 
AENTE's Transaction Resource: Beyond Purchase Management to Unparalleled Oversight and Four-Tiered Security
Our Transaction Resource isn't just about purchase management; it also prioritizes oversight and security. AENTE presents a dynamic and robust approval process is fortified by four layers of security, each one tailored to specific user permissions. This allows for a structured hierarchy, with users responsible for drafting, reviewing, and approving transactions. 
One-Click Collaboration with AENTE's Transaction Resource: Elevate Security and Oversight for Every Purchase
Need additional input on a transaction? With just one click, you can involve more users in the approval process. By utilizing our Transaction Resource, you not only optimize your transaction management but also enhance its security, guaranteeing that every purchase is supported by thorough oversight.
Instant Connections to Accounts Payable, Live Payment Tracking, and Vendor Notifications
As a purchase progresses, our system effortlessly connects it to accounts payable as soon as it is billed, ensuring a smooth and automated financial process. Track all payments and relax when your vendor receives notification with payment status and payment confirmation. 

Reconciling Purchase Orders

Optimizing Receivables with AENTE's Reconcile Resource
Effectively managing and tracking receivables is a critical component of a robust financial system. AENTE’s Reconcile Resource offers businesses a comprehensive solution tailored for this purpose:
1. Serial Number Entry: For precise tracking and inventory management, each item's distinct serial number can be seamlessly entered into our system. 
2. Barcode Printing: The system facilitates the generation and printing of barcodes for items, ensuring efficient internal record-keeping and tracking.
3. Document Attachment: Centralize vital documents, be it contracts or related paperwork, by attaching them directly to their respective purchase orders.
Quality Control Tracking
Our commitment to accountability and stringent quality control is underscored by our approval process. Before a purchase is fully reconciled, it must pass through three distinct user approvals. This multi-layered verification ensures the accuracy and authenticity of received products in line with order specifications.
Moreover, upon successful reconciliation, items are automatically updated into the inventory, eliminating manual entry, and ensuring timely stock updates.
AENTE's Reconcile Resource isn't merely about management; it's about precision, efficiency, and integrity in tracking receivables. Trust AENTE for a transaction management system where accuracy meets efficiency.

Stock Movement

Automated Stock Movement: Integrating Services and Items with Precision
In the intricate web of business operations, the key to seamless efficiency often lies in automation and smart integrations. With AENTE's innovative software, you can now bridge the often-challenging gap between services and items, bringing to life an intuitive workflow — a concept we like to call the "cake recipe."
Imagine crafting a detailed recipe for your services, where every step, from inception to completion, is laid out. Now, with our platform, you can do just that. 
1. Integrated Resource Planning: Whether it's consumables, equipment, or the valuable time of professionals for specific work units, our system lets you itemize and add all these resources. 
2. Dynamic Stock Movement: As services get booked, watch your stock levels adjust in real-time. This live, automated stock movement ensures you're always aware of what's available and what's being utilized.
3. Identify Bottlenecks: With such real-time data at your fingertips, bottlenecks become immediately visible. Whether it's a specific resource running low or a piece of equipment being overbooked, our system highlights these areas, letting you proactively address them.
4. Efficient Ordering: Equipped with insights from the system, you can make informed decisions about what needs to be ordered, and when. No more guesswork or reactive last-minute orders.
In essence, AENTE's automatic stock movement software acts as the bridge between your services and the tangible resources they consume. It's not just about tracking; it's about gaining actionable insights that empower you to operate more efficiently and serve your clients better. Dive into the future of resource management, where every service has its perfect "cake recipe" and stock management becomes a piece of cake!


Streamlining Your Company's Management

Enhance management efficiency with innovative modules for streamlined operations, accurate data, and improved customer engagement.